Transforming Her Body One Tuck at a Time
Her experience with Pure Barre is inspiring to me!
I gotta say I am not a big fan of Barre. Not because of anything but the fact that I feel it is too tough for me. I try to challenge myself but my pace is a rather slow one. I’m almost afraid to jump into something too challenging and fail.
But nonetheless, I have given it a try. Twice. And what I have gotten out of it is a completely different thing.

Striking a ballet pose

Soft bend on the knees, arm up. Working on looking a little more gracious.
My beautiful friend and co-founder of Balance is Bliss, Jules, is a huge fan of Barre. She started back in December and since then, she is completely devoted to it. And during these past 3 months she has truly embrace consistency, dedication and has become an inspiration for several people. For starters, me.
Today was perhaps the most chocking fitness moment to me in some time. While we were taking a Barre class, SHE DID A SPLIT! A SPLIT!!! I had no idea she was so flexible and so in control of her body. And there she was, doing a split like a boss. In just 3 months, she has strengthened her body and her mind, she has set some goals and she has followed through and several of us have tagged along, benefiting from having as a role model a beautiful woman, busy as one can be, kicking butt at Barre classes while she does a 21-day fix and sharing her strength and dedication with all of us who are paying attention.
I encourage all of you to try a Barre class. I know I will try again and hope I can commit.