El verdadero éxito es el hecho de que la necesidad de estar físicamente activa y saludable, nunca se me sale de la cabeza. Debo confesar que mi camino hacia un buen estado físico tiene ires y venires. Creo que así es para muchos otros. Pero había estado sumida en la inactividad y la pereza por… READ MORE
The true success is the fact that the need to stay physically active and healthy never leaves my mind. I gotta confess my personal road to fitness is a cyclical one. I guess it is that way for many of us. But I had been in a lazy funk for quite some time and I… READ MORE
This is one of my favorite times of the year. The fall, by far my favorite season, is adorned with orange, yellow and brown colors that signify warmth to me. It is the prelude to Thanksgiving and the overall holiday season. It is when families start getting together to plan sumptuous meals and fun events…. READ MORE
First things first, create your Space!!! If you have a place for that Barbie house, or that dog bed you can most certainly create a place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a large area. It can even be a corner in your bedroom! Things to consider: – Traffic: choose an area that has… READ MORE
Primero lo primero: crea tu espacio!!! Si tienes espacio para la casa de la Barbie o la cama del perro, sin duda puedes crea un lugar para ti mismo. No tiene que ser grande. Incluso puede ser una esquina de tu cuarto! Qué se debe tener en cuenta: – Tráfico: escoge un área con poco… READ MORE
This is a true gem in South Broward County. Easily accesible, Flamingo Gardens is located on Flamingo Rd, just south of I-595. Flamingo Gardens is a botanical garden originally founded by the Wrays in the 1920’s. It is big enough to ensure at least a couple of hours of entertainment, has numerous tropical plants which… READ MORE
Iniciar Mi Tía Antonia no fue fácil, teniendo en cuenta que la idea de ser pastelera y de tener un café abierto al público se había venido desarrollando en mi mente desde hacía muchos años. Siempre he sido amante de la celebración de los cumpleaños y de ahí nació mi inquietud acerca del componente que… READ MORE
Starting Mi Tía Antonia was not easy, considering that the idea of being a baker and of having a cafe open to the public had been developing in my mind for several years. I have always loved birthday celebrations and that’s how I got interested in the most essential element of such event: the cake…. READ MORE
Wynwood Art District is a neighborhood in Miami which is filled with murals, art galleries, restaurants, bars, among other offerings. With everything to see within walking distance, it makes for a fun outing. We found a groupon for Paniq Room in Wynwood and made plans for that plus dinner and drinks. As photography aficionados, we… READ MORE