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On how our energy affects everything around us

On how our energy affects everything around us

It is known that as beings of energy, we are able to affect our surroundings. That means that our mood, our posture, our words, our thoughts, our emotions are all influencing what is immediately around us. This phenomenon creates a chain of events that goes well beyond those which whom we interact. When I learned this after going to a seminar with Deepak Chopra, I understood the huge responsibility I have with those closest to me.

I also realized that as a healthcare provider, I affect the lives of a lot of people on a daily basis. The patients I see, seek my help not only for their medical problems but often times if not all, they seek my advice regarding the emotional issues that influence positively or negatively their health. They go to me looking for a sense of security, of optimism, of reassurance, of empowerment and compassion. So I understood my responsibility of projecting all that and that it had to come from within.

Now, we have this power and responsibility in every circle we belong to. Big or small. As part of a couple, a family, as a costumer, as a driver, as a bystander, a pedestrian, a boss, an employee, a member of any community, group, church…. Think about how our mere presence can completely change the dynamic of an interaction. Now think how a group of people projecting the same energy, focusing on the same purpose, can be really powerful.

Think about the situations where you are commanding the interaction. How do you want the interaction and the response to be?

I believe you will project what you are. I believe that your true feelings and emotions will be evident. Even if you make an effort and you put up a show, the results won’t be as good.

So I practice what I preach and I constantly try to improve my level of confidence, to decrease my fears, to manage efficiently my time and money, to be able to exercise and have an adequate nutrition and I try not to make any excuses. I’m not always successful. But the intention is always on my mind.

I do believe in the power of intentions. That they are almost like a decree. And that the universe responds to those intentions. So, put your mind to work!!


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